My head such a mess. Really am! 😩
Tbh, its really saddening when you can't fulfill your dreams.
Ye lah, siapa tak sedih kan.... I never thought that my dreams (dari kecik dulu lagi) akan terkubur macam tu je. I've asked several scholarship that I'm qualified to apply tapi still the answers are no. Sebelum ni semua okay!!! Before ni before submit document semua cakap okay and qualified. Tapi skrg, tak qualified sebab gaji parents blah blah blah. Sebab crisis economy eh what? Kita ni yang bercita cita tinggi nak study overseas bukan sebab nak menjatuhkan lagi economy, but we want to expose our country's name to the outsider. One fine day, our generation yang akan tadbir negara. So, why don't you give us the opportunity to learn and explore the world to give good outcome to our country itself. Bukan taknak sokong our local college, tapi bila kira kira balik. Our tuition fees langsung tak masuk akal, & makan masa yang lama. Ok for example, kalau I further in Southampton, it only takes a year for degree and a year for master (not even a year, its only 9 months) but! It takes 3 to 4 years to get a degree in here. Tak membazir ke? Tuition fees pun lebih kurang. So, Tell me!
We have to do something with our education system. Make it worth, for the students and the country itself. Think about it.
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